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The performing artists in the XVI International Tchaikovsky Competition Winners’ Gala Concert in Tokyo are confirmed!

It is confirmed that the artists listed below will perform in the XVI International Tchaikovsky Competition Winners’ Gala Concert to be held on Tuesday, October 8, 2019, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Concert Hall. The concert program will be announced as soon as it is confirmed. Artist Piano Alexandre Kantorow ,First Prize and Gold Medal / Grand Prix Violin Sergey Dogadin ,First Prize and Gold Medal Cello SANTIAGO CA??N-VALENCIA ,Second Prize and Silver Medal ◇Piano    Alexandre Kantorow ,First Prize and Gold Medal / Grand Prix (France,Age:22) [past_image 1]Currently studies at the ?cole Normale de Musique de Paris (class of Rena Shereshevskaya). At the age of 16 he was invited to play at the Les Folles Journ?es Festivals in Nantes and in Warsaw with the Sinfonia Varsovia. Since then he has played with many orchestras and has performed at some of the most prestigious festivals.Has played at major concert halls such as the Royal Concertgebouw of Amsterdam, the Konzerthaus Berlin, the Philharmonie de Paris, the BOZAR in Brussels. Next season he will play with the Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse (conducted by John Storgards), will give solo recitals in Paris dedicated to 200 years since the death of Beethoven and will also make his US debut with the Naples Philharmonic (conducted by Andrey Boreyko). ◇Violin Sergey Dogadin ,First Prize and Gold Medal (Russia,Age:30) [past_image 2]Graduated from the St Petersburg State Rimsky-Korsakov Conservatory (classes of Professor Vladimir Ovcharek and Professor Andrei Dogadin). Studied at the International Menuhin Music Academy (IMMA) with Maxim Vengerov (2012). Completed his postgraduate course at Hochschule f?r Musik und Tanz K?ln (class of Professor Mihaela Martin) and the Karl-Franzens-Universit?t Graz (class of Professor Boris Kuschnir, under the guidance of whom Sergey continues to hone his skills at the Music and Arts University in Vienna).Prize-winner at numerous international competitions, such as the XIV International Tchaikovsky Competition (2nd prize and Audience Prize, 1st prize was not awarded), the 9th Joseph Joachim International Violin Competition in Hannover (1st prize) and the Singapore International Violin Competition (1st prize). Plays a Domenico Montagnana violin (Venice, 1721). ◇Cello SANTIAGO CA??N-VALENCIA ,Second Prize and Silver Medal (Colombia,Age:24) [past_image 3]Student of Wolfgang Emanuel Schmidt at the Kronberg Academy.His recent debuts include solo engagements with the Brussels Philharmonic, the Hungarian Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Soloists, the Orchestre Royal de Chambre de Wallonie, the Orpheus Chamber Orchestra and other ensembles. From 2011 he has been a recipient of the Mayra & Edmundo Esquenazi scholarship. He is also a recipient of the MPower Artist Grants by the Sphinx Organization (2016).He was awarded the prestigious Monini Prize at the Spoleto Festival (2017). winner of the Janos Starker Foundation Award (2018).Major prize winner at the Queen Elisabeth Competition, the Sphinx Competition, the Pablo International Cello Competition, the Gaspar Cassado International Competition and the Beijing International Cello Competition. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - XVI International Tchaikovsky Competition Winners' Gala Concert Tuesday, October 8, 2019, 7:00 PM at Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre Concert Hall ⇒ Learn More[past_image 4]