[past_image 1]マルセロ・ゴメス(アメリカン・バレエ・シアター プリンシパル)
[past_image 3]<「眠りの森の美女」カッサンドラ・トレナリー>
Here are Marcelo’s words on Nina and Cassandra:
“I am thrilled and honored to dance again with my dear Nina after so many years apart. She has been such a significant ballerina on the World Stage, and in fact was a great influence on me in my earliest days as a young principal dancer with ABT. She is so caring and giving to her partner, and I feel we have that rare connection that happens perhaps once in a lifetime. Her supreme professionalism and artistry should be an example to every dancer, both men and women.
It is very important to look towards the future, and Cassandra Trenary is without doubt one of the most promising young ballerinas at ABT.
Her dancing contains a rare combination of emotional connection and presence, technical acuity and an astounding attack. Cassandra's dancing not only sets her apart from her peers, but truly sets the bar very high for the next generation of ballerinas. There is actually a similarity between Nina and Cassandra: both are completely fearless on stage.
I'm incredibly excited to be performing with these extraordinary artists for the Japanese audience, both to relive my partnership with beloved Nina, and to introduce our audience to the next generation
with Cassandra.”[past_image 2]
Photo:ゴメス(C)GION / トレナリー(C)Gene Schiavone
2016年07月23日(土) 14時開演 東京文化会館
2016年07月26日(火) 18時30分開演 東京文化会館
2016年07月24日(日) 14時開演 東京文化会館
2016年07月27日(水) 18時30分開演 東京文化会館
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